Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Expectations: a strong belief that something will happen or be the case.

Everybody has expectations or at least someone has expectations from you. Be it high or low, big or small it should always be of the right amount- not too high and not too low. 

I'm starting to think whether me going up to Express and taking the subjects I choose was actually a good choice, or not and I'm starting to doubt. People's expectations of me seemed to get bigger and bigger especially those around me, somehow I feel burdened. Thoughts like "how will I ever get through Amath when seniors around me are already complaining about how tough it is?" "Will my parents be disappointed if I suddenly dropped Amath if I can't cope and manage it well?" "How will I ever cope well in the express stream?" and "will I ever live up to their expectations?". 

I also feel suffocated- with new restrictions after I head up to express. Sometimes I wish I could just go somewhere far away and not come back, sometimes I do.
With new expectations and restrictions- Will I ever? 

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